Thigh Lift

Surgical Name : Thighplasty
Hospital Admission: 1-2 nights
Duration of Operation: 3-4 hours
Anesthetic: General Anesthesia
Recommended stay in Bangkok: 14 days

What is thigh lift surgery?
Thigh lift surgery reshapes the thighs by reducing excess skin and fat, resulting in smoother skin and better-proportioned contours of the thighs.
If fitness and weight control efforts have not achieved your goals for a body that is firmer, more youthful-looking and more proportionate to your overall body image, a surgical lift may be right for you.

What thigh lift surgery can't do
Thigh lifts are not intended strictly for the removal of excess fat. Liposuction alone can remove excess fat deposits where skin has good elasticity and is able to naturally conform to new body contours.
In cases where skin elasticity is poor, a thigh lift along with liposuction may be recommended.
There are two types of thigh lift procedures, medial and vertical:
  • Medial thigh lift or Horizontal thigh lift is a surgical procedure to reduce excess skin and fat on the upper portion of the inner thigh giving a firmer appearance. It is performed by removing a crescent of skin and fat from the upper portion of the inner thigh creating a horizontal scar.
  • Vertical thigh lift is a surgical procedure to reduce excess skin and fat on the upper and middle portion of the inner thigh. The scar in this procedure is oriented vertically, sometime both vertically and horizontally. 

Pre-Operative Care
Our team will evaluate your medical history to check for conditions that may delay the surgery or the healing process. Some of the common conditions are:
  • Bleeding tendencies – problems with blood clotting, or lack of clotting
  • Scarring problems you have had in the past – like keloid scars and hypertrophic scars
  • Hypertension (High blood pressure) – particularly if it is not under control.
  • Smoking – this may affect your reaction to the anaesthetic and prolong the healing process. Please stop smoking 4 weeks prior to surgery.
Please avoid aspirin and brufen-containing medication for two weeks prior to surgery to eliminate the chance of post op bleeding. Generally, it is best to continue any blood pressure or blood sugar medications. These may safely be taken with a sip of water on the morning of surgery. Women should ensure negative pregnancy test before surgery.

Protect your health prior to surgery. Even a simple cold could cause complications with the anesthesia. If you do develop an illness right before your surgery, let your surgeon know. You may need to postpone your surgery until you feel better. On the day of your procedure, do not wear any skin care products, makeup, deodorant, perfume, nail polish or powder.

Post-Operative Care
Bruising and swelling normally occurs following thig lift.  Continue healthy nutrition and sun protection. Your scars will continue to refine. If they become raised, red or thickened, or appear to widen, contact our office. Early intervention is important to achieving well-healed scars. Scars are generally refined to fine incision lines one year after surgery.

It is common to experience diminished (or loss) of skin sensation in areas that have had surgery. Diminished (or complete loss of skin sensation) may not totally resolve after surgery. Contour irregularities and depressions may occur after thigh lift. Visible and palpable wrinkling of skin can occur. Residual skin irregularities at the ends of the incisions or "dog ears" are always a possibility as is skin pleating, when there is excessive redundant skin. This may improve with time, or it can be surgically corrected. It may require additional surgery 6-12 months after the surgery.
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